Encounters in safe and hopeful aging
KITT is an abbreviation for the Finnish words ‘Kohtaamisia Ikääntyessä Turvallisesti ja Toiveikkaasti’. This is freely translated as ‘Encounters in safe and hopeful aging’. It is a three-year MIELI mental health Kotka region project financed by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA), which brings encounters into the everyday life of the elderly.
As part of the project, we organize group activities for people over 60 years old in the Kotka, Hamina and Pyhtää regions. The activities have to do with, among other topics, digital skills, nature, exercise and culture. In addition, we offer training for professionals in this field. For example related to mental health skills and memory.
By reducing loneliness, we improve the elderly’s mental health, everyday well-being and safety, as well as community and inclusion. We bring together different generations by involving young immigrants.
The operations of the project have started in March 2023. We will announce upcoming events on our website, on Facebook as well as on Instagram.
Our partners
Participating in our project are:
- Palvelutaloyhdistys Koskenrinne
- Palvelutaloyhdistys Koskenrinteen Kotona täälläkin -project
- Muistojen talon kannatusyhdistys
- Kotkan Korttelikotiyhdistys (Kumppanuustalo Viikari)
- Kotkan Kehitysvammaisten tukiyhdistys
- The city of Kotka
Contact us
Project manager
044 708 9634
044 901 5942